this is just... wow. I'm at a loss for words... I now understand why everyone wants a season 4... I'm happy you've moved on to bigger things but, comedy is great and all but this stuff is timeless.
this is just... wow. I'm at a loss for words... I now understand why everyone wants a season 4... I'm happy you've moved on to bigger things but, comedy is great and all but this stuff is timeless.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jeez! someone needs to actually make this game! I'd buy it in a heartbeat! no, half a heartbeat!
I actually just finished waching yu-gi-oh abridged today! this really made my day!
hot damn!
this is my favourite of the pico day videos!
that doesn't happen!!
I hate to jump on the bandwagon but you don't kill Volvagia with arrows!! awesome video though!
I didn't think freeze lasers were alowed in prison!
Amazing what you can get these days for pack of menthol kools and talking to the right people :3
they couldn't be any better if they were from space or something
these are simply amazing! just one question. why is sniperwave green at times and then all of a sudden purple?
feels good
ive been waiting for that for a while now. thank you
blurb? blurb!? BLURB!? BLUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRB! !!!!!!!
Age 33, Male
being awesome!
Pallet town, Kanto
Joined on 9/21/09